You can register by either:
- completing a form available from reception
On completion of this you will be invited for a consultation with the practice nurse this will enable us to ask you about any past medical problems you may have.
Please bring all prescribed medication and also over the counter medicines you take to this consultation. You will also be required to provide a urine sample for urinalysis.
Temporary patients
If you are not registered with the surgery you will be unable to see one of our doctors unless you have a serious emergency. In most other cases, calling 111 is a better option.
If you are not registered but need treatment at the surgery you will need to complete a temporary registration form.
You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This means you can be registered with our practice and remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with our practice.
Click here for further information on the NHS website
Non-English speakers
For help with health information in other languages, please go to the NHS website.